
  • The Power of Visual Learning

    Visual learning has always been an important part of our learning process. Still, the emergence of the internet and the subsequent growth of online learning has brought it to the center of our learning experience. Infographic by

  • The Psychology Of Color In Marketing

    Shoppers’ buying decisions are influenced by color in 85% of cases. The colors of a product influence first perceptions by anywhere between 62% and 90%. The following infographic shows how important color is… Infographic by

  • My First Time With ChatGPT

    My First Time With ChatGPT

    On 12th March 2023 I went to ChatGPT 3.5 website and had my first 3 prompts. Here is the transcript… Graham23:24write an about page for a internet marketer ChatGPT23:24As an internet marketer, I am passionate about helping businesses to succeed in thedigital world. With over 5 years of experience in the industry, I have gained…

  • 10 Facts About Creativity

    10 Facts About Creativity

    Creative individuals display a willingness to approach challenges from a wide angle beyond their initial inklings. Travel, drinking vodka and meditation can all make you more creative. All people experience moments of “ordinary creativity,” which infuses daily tasks. Creativity might plunge if it becomes a means to a rewarding end. Napping actually improves stamina, boosts…

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